Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Happiness and Morality

Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Happiness and Morality In this paper I will argue that Aristotle’s conception of eudaimonia disproves Mill’s utilitarian view that pleasure is the â€Å"greatest good. † The purpose of this paper is to contrast Aristotle’s and Mills views on the value of happiness and its link to morality. First I will describe Aristotle’s model of eudaimonia. Then I will present Mill’s utilitarian views on happiness and morality. Lastly, I will provide a counterargument to Mill’s utilitarian ethical principles using the Aristotelian model of eudaimonia.In this section I will explain Aristotle’s definition of eudaimonia and its relationship to happiness, morality and the virtues. Aristotle defines eudaimonia in the first book of the Nicomachean Ethics as â€Å"virtuous activity in accordance with reason† and that this is the highest good for human beings. For Aristotle, eudaimonia can be translated into a â€Å"human life of flourishing† since it occurs throughout a person’s life. This lifelong happiness is complete and sufficient in itself, meaning that a person lives it as an end in itself and not for anything else beyond it.An important aspect of reaching our own eudaimonia is to function well as human beings. Aristotle presents his concept of the human function by stating that what makes human function so distinct is not just to obtain nutrition and to grow because that aspect of life is shared with plants and it is also not perception because that is something shared with animals. Our ultimate human function therefore is reason and not just reason alone but to act in accordance to reason. Achieving excellence in human rational activity according to Aristotle is synonymous with leading a moral life.To lead a moral life is a state in which a person chooses to act in accordance to the right virtues. Aristotle, defines virtue as  a mean between two extremes (excess and deficiency). He argues that the mean is not necessarily the average or half way point, but rather changes in relation to each individual. For example, a person who just finished jogging needs more water after jogging than a person who was not jogging, so the mean between too much water and too little water is different for the jogger and non-jogger.According to Aristotle, it is very difficult to discover the mean, to discover the exact point between the two extremes that is best suited for you. As he says, there are many ways to be wrong and only one way to be correct. Aristotle explains that the choice of the mean is going to depend on what the virtuous person’s reasoning is. As in the case of the jogger, he will drink just enough water to quench his thirst (deficiency) but won’t drink too much that would result in water in water intoxication (excess).Aristotle focuses his moral theory on virtuous action and argues that virtue is necessary, but not sufficient for happiness. You need virtue to lead a happy life, but ultimately, virtue alone will not make you happy. What matters most is that you make a habit out of choosing to act in accordance with the right virtues, which leads to a balance in one’s life and ultimately leads you closer and closer to achieving your own eudaimonia. In this next section I will present Mills utilitarian views and the link between happiness and morality and how his views do not coincide with Aristotle’s eudaimonistic ideals.In chapter two of Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill introduces his concept of utility, also known as the â€Å"Greatest Happiness Principle† to hold that â€Å"actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. †Ã‚  In other words, Mill makes it certain that pleasure and freedom from p ain are the only things desirable as goals and all things that we do is desirable because they produce pleasure or prevent pain.Mill understood that it would be demeaning to humans to reduce life to pleasures as this would then put us at the same level as animals. Thus, he introduces the idea of higher and lower pleasures. The higher pleasures are those of a higher quality of that are determined by â€Å"competent judges. † This competent judge is someone who is acquainted with both the higher and lower quality pleasures. In regards to morality, Mill anchors its definition on the premises of the greatest happiness principle stated above.Unlike Aristotle who puts emphasis on the agent (the person themselves) in regards to acting morally, Mill is very indifferent and states that the character of the person and their motives do not matter only the consequence of those actions matter. For Mill, the morality of the action only depends on whether that action will produce pleasure f or greatest number of people. As state before, he explains that pleasure leads to happiness, and happiness is the ultimate goal of each individual. However, morality is â€Å"the rules and precepts for human conduct,† nd not simply the causes of human behavior. Desire may drive human actions, but that doesn’t mean that desire should propel human actions. Morality is the ideal, not the reality. Because of his views on morality Mill would not agree with Aristotle that the completely ethical person will not be conflicted about his ethical choice. According to Mill a person could do the right thing, and act morally while also having the desire to do the wrong thing. To explain this, he gives the example of a rescuer who saves another person from drowning.He helps this person because it is morally right, regardless of being seen as a good Samaritan or if he would’ve been compensated for his actions. Mill would also disagree with Aristotle’s argument that it is determined whether or not someone led a eudaimonistic life only after this person has died. Mill essentially believes in concrete happiness and believes that people should be happy while they are alive. Mill states that pleasures are parts of our happiness and not an â€Å"abstract† means as Aristotle puts it.In this third section I will provide a counterargument to Mill’s utilitarian ethical principles using the Aristotelian model of eudaimonia. I firstly disagree with Mill’s idea that happiness is equated with pursuing acts that only lead to pleasure and avoiding those that decrease pleasure. I side completely with Aristotle in that he believes that the purpose of pleasures is to serve as side product of activity to perfect our activities. For example, for a mathematician to become an excellent mathematician he must become very talented in doing mathematical activities but also must have the pleasure in doing this activity.I also side with him on his statemen t in Book Ten of the Nicomachean Ethics certain pleasures such as those of touch â€Å"can lead us to become servile and brutish† and says that â€Å"it attaches to us not in so far as we are men but in so far as we are animals. † For example those who eat food to the excess have slavish characters because they are choosing to eat past their bodily intake limit. I agree here with Aristotle that those persons who are destitute of self-control do not use their reason, take pleasures exceedingly, in the wrong way and in the wrong objects.Ultimately, in order to act virtuously a person must act rationally in a manner that is between the two extremes of deficiency and excess when it comes to matters of pleasure. Thus, pleasure should not be sought just for its own sake. In terms of moral actions, Mill arguments also seem to be flawed. He believes that the goodness of an action is based on whether or not it produced pleasure and happiness for the greatest number of people. T here is little emphasis on the disposition and character of the agent performing the action.This idea seems illogical because then everyone would be acting without reason and doing things for the wrong intentions. As Aristotle says in Book One of the Nicomachean ethics, â€Å"the man who does not rejoice in noble actions is not good; the good man judges well in matters of the good and the noble. † Here he is referring to the fact that a person who is not performing actions for the right intentions is not a good man at all. To explain this further I will use the example of the drowning person.Aristotle would advise that I should save a drowning person because I have the positive and noble intention to do so and not because someone is going to pay me for helping them. I think Mills view on happiness and morality that pleasures should equate with happiness sounds like it would be ideal to live this type of life. However, this type of logic would not work out in today’s so ciety. He tells us that in order to find out what kinds of pleasures are most valuable we should look to â€Å"competent judges† who seem to just know what are considered the better â€Å"higher† pleasures because they have experienced both the â€Å"higher† and â€Å"lower† pleasures.As Aristotle states, however, not all pleasures are universal to all men because not everyone is directed to the same things. What if their idea of a higher pleasure is to rape women on the streets? The problem with Mill’s argument then is that what this â€Å"competent judge† may consider to be a higher pleasure may actually be a lower pleasure and be very wrong about what they consider to be right. Aristotle would respond to Mills statement that happiness should be concrete by stating that happiness in Mill’s view seems to just be a fleeting experience.For example, if a person spends their whole life trying to figure out a cure for cancer it wonâ€℠¢t be determined whether this person’s life work was meaningful only until we examine this person’s life work. To conclude, I have stated both Aristotle’s and Mills arguments in relation to happiness and morality. Aristotle’s conclude that happiness (eudaimonia) is to have flourishing life in which actions are performed in accordance to virtuousness and reason.Mill, on the hand believes that pleasure is ultimately the greatest type of good and therefore is equated with happiness. I have argued that Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia disproves Mill’s â€Å"greatest happiness priniciple† on the grounds that pleasure is only a small part of happiness and that the emphasis on living a happy life should be placed on the agent to habitually act in a rational and virtuous manner.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Week discussion questions

Personally when I complete tasks on my lists I feel a sense of accomplishment and have more desire to tackle some of the harder tasks on y list. I will begin to implement this time management skill with this class, and carry it over to block 2 through Gateway Community College. 2. Plan a schedule that has important work, fun activities, and rest. I get so busy with what I think needs to be done that I forget to include fun things In my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my time is something that is very important because It helps decrease stress.Because I have a four year old who feeds off of my emotions It Is vital that I don't show my stress and that I enjoy my time with him rather than worrying about what tasks are not getting done. 3. Create a designated study time, and stick to It. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to It. Every semester I tell myself I will study more but I never seem to find the time to and I find myself scrambling at the l ast minute to cram for the upcoming exam.If I set aside time and It Is a part of my dally routine I can avoid all insights the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever It Is I will be doing that day In school. What resources might you have available to use for professional and personal development? I have my education to use for professional and personal development. In school I am learning more than Just the science and theory behind nursing.I am learning how to analyze my thinking and the thinking of others, how to make and achieve goals, critical thinking skills that can be used both at work and at home, and how to manage my time wisely. With the program I am In through Gateway Community College and The university of Phoenix I am able to network with other nursing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field and where I should be looking for a Job. I have support from family, friends, and lacerates availabl e to lad In my development.They are there to encourage me to keep going when I feel Like Glenn up, and to help me emotionally get through this rigorous program. By pointlessness done that I forget to include fun things in my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my time is something that is very important because it helps decrease stress. Because I have a four year old who feeds off of my emotions it is vital that I don't show my not getting done. 3. Create a designated study time, and stick to it. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to it.Every time and it is a part of my daily routine I can avoid all insights the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever it is I will be doing that day in school. My time wisely. With the program I am in through Gateway Community College and The University of Phoenix I am able to network with other nursing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field and classmates available to aid in my development. They are there to encourage me to keep going when I feel like giving up, and to help me emotionally get through this

Monday, July 29, 2019

Short Anlytical essay Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Short Anlytical essay - Movie Review Example nversations between the man, his secretary, his mother and the federal agents pose several questions about the importance of standing on his real identity for a person. The movie shows how mistaken identity could take a person close to death due to others’ misunderstanding about him. It tells about the situations when the false identity captures a person so strongly that the truth becomes vulnerable and mistaken identity dominates the life of the people despite their will to prove their real identity. The lead character of the movie a successful advertising executive Thornhill was believed to smuggle the microfilm and the spies tried to prevent him. They strived to kill him as they believe that he was George Kaplan. The agents followed that man across the United Stated to stop his interference with their plans. Due to his mistaken identity the agents strived to prevent him from smuggling the microfilm that contain some very important government secrets however, in real he has nothing to do with the government secrets, microfilm and plans of the U.S. secret agents. He was busy in his routine activity when the federal agent identified him as Kaplan. Since, no one has seen Kaplan in real it became even more difficult for Thornsill to prove that he was not Kaplan. The innocent and ordinary wrong man hero represents the 20th century movie characters surrounded by dangerous circumstances, police chase and mysterious and glamorous lady. The scene, graphics, music and background colours are also brilliantly selected by Hitchcock to appropriately compliment the main theme of the movie. The movie tells the tale of life of an ordinary person caught up by mysterious incidence due to mistaken identity however; the movie conveys the deep message about the mistaken identity of the entire society. It shows that everyone in the world is not actually what he appears in front of the others. Thornhill used to do the job of hiding the truth and portraying false image of things in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Compare and contrast - Essay Example She can also be very humorous and sends everybody on the floor laughing at her funny and interesting stories. On the other hand Anne’s personality is quite the opposite and is headstrong, catty and likes voicing her opinion. Mary at times seems to be laid back and brings out the funny bit of herself. Anne brings out the more augmentative and charismatic side .Though they have two completely different personalities, they are fun to be with. Mary is quite the opposite of my character whereas Anne is more like me in personality. My two friends also have interests that are somewhat the same. Anne and I both play football for our school whereas Mary loves snowboarding which she really enjoys. Anne on the other hand enjoys the sport and has gone several times particularly during the winter. Mary is so much into boys and student council. Nevertheless, both of my friends are into extra-curricular activities in various ways. Whereas the two differ in several ways in each category, nevertheless, they both seem to complete my life in various ways. Anne makes me think in a more analytical manner than what I am actually used to whereas Mary makes me view life at a different angle and not in a very serious manner. Even though both of them do not think greatly of one another, I do not know how I would cope without their varying opinions in life not forgetting their immense

SWOT Analysis of Wal Mart and Carrefour in China Essay

SWOT Analysis of Wal Mart and Carrefour in China - Essay Example Also, being a globally renowned company, the company can face a number of issues politically as well as other external factors. The company also faces high levels of cost competition across the country. Carrefour is one of the worlds second largest and the largest retailer in Europe. The company has been in the Chinese markets for the past few years and has opened as many as ten stores in China at the end of 2010. The main strengths of the company here include its strong global brand name and brand image. Also, the company’s strong experience and knowledge of the industry provides it with an upper hand. Also, since Carrefour has been in China since 1995, the company has strong suppliers and strong contacts within the country. The weaknesses of the company, however, include lack of strong and well-integrated systems within the country. Carrefour uses the strategy of adopting the country as many small markets instead of one large market. This leads to a lack of a strong integrat ed system for the company. In terms of the opportunities, Carrefour has a strong opportunity to enter into the development of small stores across the country as well as to use their strong relations with the suppliers to expand its business and increase the number of stores, considering the size of the Chinese markets (Carrefour). Finally, in terms of the threats, it is clear that the company also faces high levels of threats from other competitors like Wal Mart and also the small local retailers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Intelligences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intelligences - Essay Example An examination of both theorists' work reveals some of the underpinnings of thought while highlighting the difficulty psychology has in defining, measuring, and isolating the factors that make up intelligence. Spearman and Gardner both believed that intelligence could be quantified. Spearman used a model that incorporated two centers of intelligence, the g (general) and the s (specific) factors (RiChard, n.d.). He contended that the g-factor was overriding and there was a correlation between general intelligence and all other areas. Gardner, however, believed that the specific factors that make up intelligence were independent and that you could be good at math while having no linguistic abilities. Gardner has identified at least 7 separate and autonomous centers of intelligence (Intelligence and personality assessment, n.d.). He grouped these factors into categories called the multiple intelligences which include musical, verbal, and personal intelligence. Spearman believed that since the g-factor was present in every task, we could measure intelligence with a single test. His work instituted the general IQ test as a standard for measurement and assessment. However, Gardner believes that there is not one test to measure intelligence and that all areas must be tested separately.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Animal Right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal Right - Essay Example This is the reason why there are so many animal rights activists. The basis for animal rights therefore rests upon the idea that animals, just like humans, deserve to be treated humanely. Does this make sense and how does the subject of animal rights fare in ethics? Utilitarianism somehow sheds light on the validity of animal rights, especially the ideas of 19th century British philosopher John Stuart Mill. As utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, then it follows that utilitarian ethics teaches that the ends justify the moral worth of an action regardless of the means. If we were to defend animal rights on the basis of this principle, then we are to accept the fact that protection of animal rights will produce a good outcome and is therefore good. One benefit that can be derived from this is that â€Å"animal rights teach us that certain things are wrong as a matter of principle† (â€Å"Animal Rights,† BBC). This means that by recognizing animal rights, the society is taught that the virtues of respect, kindness and compassion are indeed existent and are universal, in that one is not supposed to limit the expression of these virtues to humans but also to animals. Moreover, the protection of animal rights will somehow force people to seek more human ways of treating them and to seek other alternatives to the task at hand before resorting to animal use. These sentim ents are echoed in the following statement by German scientist Frank Gannon: Nevertheless, if one simply uses the idea â€Å"the ends justify the means† in defending utilitarian ethics vis-à  -vis human rights, then one would be forced to recognize that animal rights somehow contradict the idea of human rights – especially the human right to eat animals. This means that if one takes the view of utilitarianism, then he would advocate the happiness of the greatest number of people; and if what can help bring about this happiness is the killing of animals for food, then animals

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Brothel Book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Brothel Book - Essay Example A critical analysis of this book shows that Durkheim’s functionalist perspective to deviance as well as Merton’s social structure and anomie theory can be applied to the groups of characters which include the prostitutes and the men who visit the brothel in the above mentioned book. Emile Durkeim suggests that crime is inevitable and he argues that crime is â€Å"an integral part of all healthy societies,† (as cited in Haralambos & Holborn, 1990, p.586). From this perspective, it can be noted that not all individuals are committed to the shared values and moral beliefs of the society. It may be impossible for all the members of the society to be similar and in Durkeim’s words, crime is not only inevitable, but it is functional. He argues that social change begins with some form of deviance and as noted in the definition of deviance above, deviant behaviour can be normal in other societies. In this given book, it can be seen that prostitution is not conside red as deviant behaviour especially by those involved in this practice. It is seen as normal just like any other form of employment. This view is supported by Cohen who developed Durkeim’s ideas when he analyses two functions of crime in a society. Firstly, deviance can be a safety valve providing a relatively harmless expression of discontent while protecting social order (Haralambos & Holborn, 1990). He suggests that prostitution can perform a safety valve function without threatening the fabric of the family. Prostitutes interviewed in this book state that the majority of their clients are married men who will be seeking to relieve their stress and pressure from the demands of their families. The institution of the family is not threatened in this case since the relationship between prostitutes and clients is not binding. On the other hand, Cohen suggests that certain deviant acts are useful in warning that certain aspects of the society are not functioning. For instance, a lot of married couples reveal that their sexual relationship is not satisfactory, the reason why they seek the services of commercial workers to satisfy their sexual desires. In some cases, unsatisfactory sexual relationships among married couples can lead to divorce and the ladies in most cases opt to venture into prostitution. As is the case in this book, a notable number of prostitutes at Mustang brothel are divorcees as a result of unfriendly sexual relationships in their previous marriages. Men on the other hand will solicit for sex from the prostitutes after the marriage has broken down. It can be seen that the element of prostitution is inevitable as long as these negative social trends affecting the institution of the family persist. The other theory that can be applied to the behaviour of the characters in this book is Merton’s social structure and anomie. He argues that deviance results from the culture and structure of society itself (Haralambos & Holborn, 1990). Since members are placed in different class positions in the social structure, it can be noted that they do not have the same opportunity of realising the shared values which leads to deviance. In the given case, many prostitutes interviewed by the author such as Eva revealed that they joined the profession in order to earn a living. Some

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Political Correctness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Political Correctness - Assignment Example Protecting the rights of minorities is important due to external factors such as gender and race in relation to the use of offensive words. Moreover, not everyone reacts to situations, in the same way. Some people are more irritable than others (Uelmen 1). Sometimes, things get out of hand leading to dangerous fights or bitterness that leads to revenge. Choice of words should be based on the relationship between individuals and the situation at hand. While some people might entertain jokes, some may interpret them as being offensive. The dynamics of choosing words vary depending on the situation. It is better to avoid offensive words because the mood in which people might be in is sometimes unpredictable. On the other hand, maintaining a stand in terms of being able to say yes or no is usually the right thing to do. Saying no can and should be accompanied by the right choice of words. Disagreeing with something does not imply that people should offend others. Being fearful on the choice of words is not a sign of weakness as some may interpret. It is an implication that besides being mindful and respectful, people regard others with high

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Description of what is Typical grief noting all manifestations Essay

Description of what is Typical grief noting all manifestations - Essay Example Grief is a process of healing oneself to become a part of life after losing someone close. Bereaved comes out of it after a specific time period but it manifests in his behaviors and reactions. This paper discusses some of these manifestations. â€Å"Depersonalization is a term used to describe the experience when oneself or one’s body feels somehow strange or unreal .Derealization is the term used to describe the experience when external reality seems strange or unreal† (Davies, 2004,p.42). Lindemann (1944, as cited in Worden, 2009) explained physical sensation of a bereaved as a reaction of the loss. A sense of depersonalization is one of them. For example, a bereaved told that he walked down the street and felt everything is unreal including himself. Such reactions are taken for granted but hold an important place in grieving process (p.23). Disbelief or denial is a common manifestation of grief. It happens when bereaved is shocked by sudden or unexpected news of death or loss. According to Worden (2009), people tend to deny the fact and show mistrust by saying, it can’t happen or informer is mistaken. A widow told him that after the death of her husband, she kept waiting for someone to wake her up and tell her that she was dreaming. Another explained, despite of her husband’s long sickness, she was not quite ready for his death (p.34). Idealization is very common behavior; people idealize their lost or separated partners. Bereaved forgets about the negative characteristics or faults of deceased. Only good and loveable things are remembered without any reservation (HBM, n.d). Demonization refers to blaming enemies or evil powers for the loss. According to Worden (2009) anger, if handled in ineffective way can lead to the situation in which bereaved direct the loss towards some other person and blame him for death. They believe that the person

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Confederate Flag Essay Example for Free

The Confederate Flag Essay Within the United States of America, arguments, involving the Confederate Flag, are solved every sngle day. However, some controversies have managed to carry on from the 1800’s until present day without any solution. The text and symbolic meaning behind the â€Å"Confederate Flag† is a perfect example. The Confederate Flag is one of America’s most embattled symbolic controversies. Created in 1861in a battle between the South, Confederates, and the North, Union, two men by the name P. G.  T. Beauregard and Congressman William P. Miles designed and created a flag that would represent the true southern pride and demands that would not only bring about conflict with one half of the nation but also with our American society today. The South wanted to fulfill their demands of a new government with a victory, but the North opposed that thought. Today, people in our society misunderstand and misinterpret the true meaning behind the Confederate Flag and what it represents. People have came to believe that the Confederate Flag represents slavery in the 19th century, but in actuality it represents people wanting to govern themselves. The Confederacy had two flags. One being a national flag or â€Å"the stars and bars† and the other to be a battle flag. The southern people believed their national flag was to be respected and not to be used in battle so they wanted a battle flag. Two men by the names, P. G. T. Beauregard and Congressman William P. Miles came up with the design. These men were chosen because of their active duty within the Confederacy. Both showed much pride and served with active duty. P. G. T. Beauregard was chosen as one of the eight full leading generals and led the Confederacy to their first win in battle in the â€Å"battle of Manassas† and commanded at the Battle of Shiloh after Albert Sidney Johnston’s death. Given such great honor, he was chosen to be one of the designers of the flag. William P. Miles was appointed by the Provisional Congress as chairman of the Flag and Seal Committee. William Miles took much pride in the Confederacy and what they represented so was chosen to help design flags for the nation and approval of them as well. Their design was similar in comparison to the national flag. The battle flag would have a blue X on a red field. The flag had thirteen stars to represent the thirteen states in the Confederacy, often referred to as the Rebel Flag,† Southern Cross, or â€Å"Dixie Flag. † It represented a battle for a lesser government, just as P. G. T, Beauregard and Miles followed. These men and their fellow Southerners wanted less taxes and for people to govern themselves. The flag was flown in honor of those fighting for these demands and the pride of the confederacy and their struggle to win. In conclusion, both men shared great dignity in the Confederacy and wanted to represent their people and demands with reason to overturn the government. This flag was first flown in July 21st, 1861 and is still displayed in the United States. Both men, today, continue to receive much honor for their active duty served and creating a flag that symbolizes the Southern nation as one. The typical audiences portraying the â€Å"Rebel Flag,† in a majority, are whites. Back in the 1800’s during the battle of the Civil War, blacks were mainly looked down upon and used as slaves. Blacks had no power amongst the white people in the southern states and were to work for them and follow their orders. Due to this, only white people had taken pride in their flag. Whites were fighting for their demands of a better government. Thus, only white people played a main role during this time period. Yet, blacks, being viewed down upon at this time, are viewed in the audience as well. Today, blacks look at the situation as a major issue with their race at the time and hopes for survival. But why is this? When the flag is presented in our society today, some look at the flag, with disgust, as representation of racism because the flag was flown during a time period in which racism dominantly occurred. Also, based upon the text I had chosen, it consists of white people in battle. The audience of the text promptly follows the text with pride. These audience members were not just white or black people, but also southerners and northerners. In the battle it was the southerners of the thirteen confederate states of America who portrayed the flag as a new government ran by the people when the North portrayed the flag as a banishment of a perfectly ran government. No northerners opposed the idea that the Confederacy should be erased as the no southerners opposed the idea of a new government. Thus, made the issue more complicated due to disagreements. The reaction of the southern white audience would portray anger due to their loss in battle as well as pride in their sacrifice. The audience would have hoped for a different conclusion to the battle giving the Confederates the victory and joyfulness of their people at the time. The northerners reacted the exact opposite. They celebrated their victory and the government was given more dominance. The author intended the reaction of the audience to be very informed because a great amount of information and history was given. The author knew what the flag truly represented and wanted the readers to know the same. Given so much information, the audience would become very informed and learn to understand the flag in a respectful manner. However, people in this present day continue to fly the flag with no knowledge of the meaning or respect. Some, with no knowledge, look at the flag as a gang or group symbol while others respectfully present it as a historical time period. So why get rid of this flag? Being a nation that prohibits slavery in written law, some Americans who continue to believe the false rumor that the flag represents slavery and racism or are less educated with the history behind the flag and want to get rid of it. Our society has represented the Confederate flag in a disrespectful manner and needs to change that. Hear the Northern thunders mutter! Northern flags in South’s winds flutter! To Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Send them back your fierce defiance! Stamp upon the cursed alliance! To Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah! For Dixie’s land we take our stand, And we live or die for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! –Confederacy chant. Many people praise it, display it, and chant it, yet others view it with pure disgust. Once again, the Confederate or â€Å"Rebel Flag has been shoved onto the table of debate due to the raising of the flag in front of the South Carolina State House. So much debate has arose that President Obama was questioned where this flag should be placed? President Obama replied with a very considerate answer. His answer was, â€Å"In a museum. † But why would he want to take down the flag and retire it? Many have applauded him upon the issue, yet others are left confused as to why? Many people fly the Confederate Flag with pride and none of which are racist. In fact, the flag does not even represent anything considering racism. Only current connotation has led people to believe that. People today do not understand the true meaning and history behind the flag so they are unknowingly spreading false information. It is compared to the Nazi flag as a white supremacy symbol today. Another fact is that the Confederate Flag was never once flown on a slave ship; it was the present American flag that had been flown. The true meaning behind the flag was a lesser or new government. Southern people were getting tired of being overtaxed and wanted to govern themselves. Following these demands, arguments between the North and South grew more intense. Slaves were more acceptable in the south rather than the north. Southerners’ main use of slaves was to work in plantations to help incorporate a better and more profitable farm. This was not ok with the northerners. The northerners’ believed slavery was uncivilized and should be abolished. Prior to his election, Abraham Lincoln said he wanted to â€Å"free the slaves. † This quote developed more controversy especially since Lincoln, at the time, had slaves of his own. Southerners became furious such an ironic statement and began stating their opinions about the presidency towards Lincoln while demanding a lesser government, lower taxes, and to keep slavery. Northerners began to stand behind Lincoln and would speak on behalf of him. More issues and controversies developed which lead to a feud between the North and South. This feud is now known as, the American Civil War (1861-1865). In mix of battle, the Confederacy respected their national flag and did not want it to be displayed in mix of battle. This is when the â€Å"Rebel† or â€Å"Battle† Flag was created. As Confederates would rush into battle, they would carry the thirteen-stared blue X on a red field flag with pride and dignity. The Confederates then formed secession from the United States becoming, the Confederate States of America as the northerners became referred to as the Union. After carrying their flag for four bloodshed/devastating years, the Confederacy fell to the Union. Slavery would then become abolished as would the Confederate States of America. The Rebel Flag then slowly began to disappear. Due to the, all of a sudden, emergence of the flag in our society today, people argue that it should be rid of or as Obama said, â€Å"In a museum. † The flag, to a majority people, is a historical symbol that brings back the thought of their ancestors who fought in battle and our nation falling apart when the North and South fought killing 620,000 of our nation’s people. The flag stood out in Civil War as a symbol of the South wanting a change in government. Our society needs to become more educated when it comes to the understanding of Confederate Flag and learn how to display it in a correct manner. With great debate over the embattled symbolic meaning behind the Confederate Flag, our society has yet to reach a solution. Many people are continuing to spread false information while others are arguing the true meaning behind the flag. Who knows how long this controversy will last. P. G. T. Beauregard and William P. Miles created the flag to represent the southern demands of a lesser government with no disregard towards racism. Confederates used the flag’s symbolic meaning to connect their nation as one and to fight together to overcome this battle with the North. As I previously mentioned, our society needs to learn to become more educated when it comes to understanding the Confederate Flag and learn to display it in a proper manner. As a nation we must learn to solve and consider our issues rather than speaking with fault and resorting to violence.

Sherwin williams Essay Example for Free

Sherwin williams Essay No matter how you coat it, Sherwin-Williams is one of the largest paint manufacturers in the US and worldwide. Sherwin-Williams has rose to his level of success by excelling in the their strategic management process and Sherwin-Williams implements its strategy with its mission statement: For over 140 years, manufacturers have trusted Sherwin-Williams for innovative coatings and exceptional service. And you can count on us for the expertise and the support you need to get better results, from start to finish. Also The Sherwin-Williams Company has established a vision statement and quality commitment, which states: We commit to seek out the expectations of our customers and to consistently meet and exceed those expectations through our service, products and attitudes. To achieve this vision Sherwin Williams will use a combination of innovation and market development grand strategies to realize the long-term objectives of improving local market position, creating a high focus on customer satisfaction, attaining high employee morale, and increasing market share. The Sherwin-Williams Company is committed to the products finishing industry and strives to be a valuable supplier and resource for their customers. Sherwin Williams intends to overcome challenges and take advantage of all market opportunities through committing to the strategic implementation. This commitment starts right at the top and is expected throughout every level of management all the way down to the frontline sales force. Strategic Managers have been utilizing a plan in supporting personnel in order to direct their efforts at specific markets and customers of a global scope. A group of Strategic Account Managers dedicates their efforts towards total service of specific global accounts through close communication with customer facilities, their emphasis is coordinating sales and service activities. Currently, Sherwin-Williams growth strategy is to acquire Consorcio Comex, the second largest specialty paint store organization in the Western Hemisphere. The acquisition will expand the architectural paint business in Americas and increase retail distribution in many markets where the store count is low. Sherwin-Williams is engaged and has invested in  capital expenditures to increase manufacturing capacity, enhance productivity of its existing facilities and expanded its store network. Management is continually re-evaluating the company’s operating facilities, including acquired operating facilities, against its long-term strategic goals as the company continues within its growth strategy. Sherwin-Williams maintains its strategic control using an operational excellence program which is a methodology for pursuing continuous improvement. Utilizing this process for defining, measuring, analyzing, improving and controlling the business, manufacturing, and service facilities will help management be prepared to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary process or procedural changes. Management has a significant commitment in utilizing these control resources that will result in improvements in service and quality to our customers for years to come. From Sherwin-Williams expansive distribution and multiple manufacturing locations, to their experienced sales and technical service professionals they have excelled in implementing their strategic management and planning process by listening and responding to specific product, service and performance needs of their customers. Levy, Keith. Sherwin-Williams Is Painting a New Picture of Marketing. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 08 Nov. 2011. Web. 27Apr. 2013. Sherwin-Williams. Investor Relations. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. Want to Learn More about Our History, Career Opportunities and Investor Relations? Sherwin-Williams. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Management at Semco and Leadership Styles of Richard Semler

Management at Semco and Leadership Styles of Richard Semler Peter Drunker (1954), defined management as the way of getting things done through others, by organising, motivating and developing people through training. Likewise, Huczynski and Buchman (2001), defined management as the co-ordination of people towards the achievement of a collective goal. The management of an organisation could be ambiguous, complex and could be over a long period of time; this is when strategy is required. Strategic Management means coping with complexity (kotter 1991), the way and how the complexity is structured, organised, to accomplish a common goal is referred to as strategic management. The process of coping with change (kotter 1991) is known as Strategic Leadership, change is a normal occurrence in an organisation. The process of influencing people in the accomplishment of a goal is known as leadership. (Koontz O Donnell). Style is the way or approach of doing things, leadership style is the way a leader influences its employees. Lewis (1939), defined lea dership style as the method or approach used by leaders to influence their employees either by commanding, motivating or giving directions. There are three approaches to leadership styles namely: Authoritarian or autocratic: Responsibilities such as decision making, procedures for achieving goals, general control of the organisation is focus on the leader Participative or democratic: Responsibilities such as decision making, procedures for goal achievement and control of the organisation are focus within the group as a whole. Laissez faire or free reign: responsibilities such as decision making, procedures for goal achievement and control of the organisation are focus within the group or individual, the group works with freedom of action, they decide on how they do things. No rules, no hierarchy. 1.1 MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP STYLES ADOPTED BY RICARDO SERMER Semler is known as the leading proponent, likewise the most evangelist of participative leadership or what is known as cooperate democracy. Semler took over SEMCO or what was originally known as Semler and Company in the year 1980 from his father Antonio Semler who practiced the traditional autocratic style of leadership. Ricardo followed this leadership style. On his first day as the CEO of SEMCO, Ricardo fired sixty percent of all top managers, for four years he practiced the autocratic style of management. At the age of 25 in the year 1984, he began to work on a diversified program to rescue the company; he was inspired to have a greater work-life balance for himself and his employees so he introduced the participative leadership style. In 1990, there was dramatic restriction on liquidity instituted by Brazilian president Frenando Collor De Mello to combat hyperinflation. At this turndown period employees at SEMCO agreed to wage down cut and were performing multitude roles during this crisis period which gave workers greater knowledge of the operation and more suggestions on how to improve the company, this led to full participation of employees. In SEMCO responsibilities such as decision making are focus on the employees, they are allowed to apply their creativity and initiative to the service of the organisation. In addition decision making such as the selection and election of their boss is focused on the subordinates. Sermels participative leadership style can be related to McGregors Y theory capability of people with self direction and self approach Euston Henry research (2010). Semlers way of work is letting employees choose what they do, where and when they do it, likewise they determine how they get paid. Semler has no organisational chart, no dress code, and no written rules; he replaced hierarchical pyramid structure with circle structure. He believes that this participative leads to a healthy and enjoyable way of life for employees. Semler leaders hip style allows a legitimate and reward power (i.e. profits sharing and promotion) on his employees based on his position as the leader of SEMCO. WHAT IMPACT DO YOU THINK THESE STYLES HAVE HAD UPON THE COMPANYS STRATEGIC DECISIONS? Ricardo Semler style has a positive impact on SEMCO. In 1986, Ricardo Semler attempted to introduce a matrix organisational structure (people with similar skills are pooled for work) which failed to achieve desired improvement. In 1982 SEMCO annual revenue was $4 million, it grew over the years, as at 1994 it was $35 million, and in 2003 the annual revenue grew to $212 million with annual growth rate of 40%. In 1982 SEMCO employees were 90, by the year 2003 SEMCO employees were over 3000. Over the years the company has diversified into different business by mergers and joint ventures. From the illustration made above, we can relate the success of SEMCO to the leadership style of Ricardo Semler. EXPLAIN THE LINK BETWEEN SELECTED STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP THEORIES. WHAT IMPACT DOES THESE THEORIES HAVE ON ORGANISATIONAL AND LEADERSHIP STRATEGY? Strategic Management is procedure of coping with complexity (kotter 1991). Drucker (1954) said strategic management is the motivation of people to achieve a common goal. There are various theories on how collective goals are achieved. Henri Fayol five functions of management 1916: He classified duties of managers into five. There are: planning, organising, controlling, commanding, and coordinating. Fw Taylor 4 objectives of scientific management 1881: He classified managers duties into four, they are: scientific methods of doing thing, goal for production, system of reward for meeting goal, training of personnel. Peter Drucker 1954 five management processes: He classified duties of manager into five, which are: setting objectives, motivating, task organisation, measurement (SMART), and training. The table below shows how different strategic leadership theories are linked HENRI FAYOL 1916 COMMANDING PLANNING CONTROLLING COORDINATING ORGANISING PETER DRUCKER 1954 measurement using SMART objectives Setting objectives to achieve Motivation of staffs to achieve a collective goal Improvement through training and coaching Tasks organisation FW TAYLOR 1881 Establish goals for production System of reward for meeting goals Training to use methods and meet goals Scientific method of doing things Duties of managers: Table 2.1 Strategic leadership theory: leader copes with changes in an organisation by setting direction (kotter 1991) for others to follow in the achievement of goals (koontz O Donnell). There are various theories by authors, such as: Leadership styles: Leadership style assumes that subordinates work more effective with leader who adopts a specific style rather than a leader who adopts alternative styles. There are different dimensions to leadership styles; however it can be classified into three (3) namely authoritarian, democracy and laissez faire. Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) classified 4 styles which controls the degree a manager maintains. They are tells, sells, consults and joins. These leadership styles depend on the leadership situation (Mullins 2007). The authoritarian style: Power is focus on the manager, decision and procedures for achieving goals is made without consultation. The control is either by reward or punishment. This is related to Tannenbaum and Schmidt tells approach. In this style the concern for task is high. The democratic style: The focus of power is within the group as a whole. Function such as decision making and procedures for achieving goals is shared within the manager and the group. The joins, consults and sells styles are democratic to some extent, except subordinate does not have a finally say. This style concerns for both task and people A laissez-faire style: member of group work more effective on their own, managers do not interfere, however there is availability of help if needed. The concern for task is low and concern for people is high. CONTINGENCY THEORIES: This is Based on the believe that no one approach to leadership appropriate to all situation. There are models such as: Vroom and Yetton Contingency Model: classified leaders decisions into two. They are decision quality and decision acceptance. The model suggests five management decision styles. Autocratic: A1: leaders make decision alone using information available. A2: leaders consult subordinate but decision is taken alone Consultative:C1: problem is shared with relevant subordinate, leader makes the decision C2: problem is shared with subordinate, leader takes decision. Group: G2: problem is shared with subordinate ,leader is chair, they both reach a consensus Path-goal theory: the model proposes that performance of subordinate is affected by the extent in which the manager satisfies their expectations. Subordinate sees leaders behaviour as a motivator. leadership behaviours are: Directive leadership: subordinate follow specific directions given by the leader, they know what is expected of them. Supportive leadership: the leader is more concern for subordinates needs and welfare. Participative leadership: the leader consult with subordinate, evaluates suggestion and managers makes the decision. Achievement-oriented leadership: sets goals for subordinate, there is confidence in subordinates ability to perform well. 2.1 THE LINK BETWEEN SELECTED STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP. Management and leadership theories can be linked with one another; most times they are used interchangeably. The link can be seen using Mckinsey 7-s frame work theory. Managers have a propensity on strategy, structure and system (hard element), they are easy to define and identify, and managers can directly influence them. Leaders on the other hand are based on styles, staff, skills and shares (soft element), they are more difficult to describe and more influenced by culture. Watson suggested that all the 7-s most work together to attain a high level of organisational performance. Fig 1: shows the links between management and leadership. Strategy: the plan to maintain competitive advantage over competitors. Structure: the way the organisation is guarded. System: this is referred to as the daily activities of the company. Style: this is the style the leader adopts Staff: this refers to the employees or the general work force of an organisation. Skills: competence of employees Share values: they are also known as superordinate goals. These are the core values of an organisation. All these listed 7-s framework works together to form an organisation. WHAT IMPACT DOES THESE THEORIES HAVE ON ORGANISATIONAL AND LEADERSHIP STRATEGY? These theories listed above helps to determine the structure of an organisation. The organisation could be an autocratic organisation; i.e. leader maintains full control of the organisation which is highly centralised. The employees accomplish the leaders goals, wishes and objective example of autocratic organisation is Semler and company headed by Antonio Semler. On the other hand the theories helps to illustrate the democratic management style where employees are involved in decision making, flexibility of work, freedom of employees i.e. SEMCO decentralised system by Ricardo Semler. The theory explains both leadership and management duties which lead to the smooth running of an organisational. UTILISE APPROPRIATE TECHNIQUES TO REVIEW SEMCO LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENTS. There are different techniques to review leadership requirement, such as: porters diamond, porters five forces, networks, role of the corporate parent and the macro-environment (steeple). To utilise appropriate technique for SEMCO, the macro- environment (steeple) will be used to review leadership requirement. Macro-environment (steeple) are the external /environmental that impact to greater or lesser extent on almost all organisations (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington), these macro factors influences the organisational performance either directly or indirectly. The table below shows the external factors affecting SEMCO. Social / cultural factors Due to low rate of education in Brazil, there is high rate of untrained staff and unskilled staffs in SEMCO. Due to high population in Brazil, the income rate of workers in SEMCO is reduced because of the high rate of unemployment. Technological factors Technological cooperation is increasing in Brazil, mostly in telecommunication, energy transmission and advanced materials. SEMCO businesses are related to this, and it results to competition. Economic factors Inflation rate in brazil Low bank interest rate Global financial crisis both in Brazil and USA Environmental factors Deforestation issue in brazil Bio fuel and alternative energy i.e. oil Water supply issue affects brazil Political factors Governmental policy on industries such as energy, oil and telecommunication Government policy for low interest rate Legal factors Brazil and other BRIC countries have legal bodies that helps to check public right, corruption and the rule of law of the citizens. Ethnical factor Reduced rate of child labour in brazil Employment opportunity for women and ethnic minority people are equal. Table 3.1: External factors affecting SEMCO. The factors listed above cannot be influence by SEMCO leaders, on the other hand, there are skills leaders should have in other to be able to work with these external factors effectively, and these skills can be a threshold competence or a core competence. Threshold skills are the basic requirement a leader must have while the core skills are the unique ability a leader has that gives him a competitive advantage over others. The table below illustrate the two competencies. S/N THRESHOLD COMPETENCIES CORE COMPETENCIES 1 Vision: be able to communicate his vision to all members of staff, vision must follow the culture and value of the organisation Negotiation skill: the leader must be able to negotiate effectively, SEMCO is known to have a diversified business through mergers and joint ventures 2 Motivation: decision making must be within all staffs and there is a reward power to motivate staff Project management: the leader must be able to manage any change taking place in SEMCO, either through mergers and joint ventures 3 Communication: there must be a two way communication, there should be a diversity of opinion Analytical / financial skill: SEMCO is a globalised company, dealing with in various business, leader must have an effective and a good arithmetic skills 4 Empowerment: people work more effective when left alone with a reward power Decision making/implementing skills: the leader must have a quick decision making skill and must be able to implement the decisions made. Table 3.2 leader competence skills SEMCO organisation is still developing throughout the world through joint venture and mergers with other businesses. This developing process is known as organisational development. Organisation development is intervention strategies which aim at developing individual, group and organisation. Organisation development aim at improving the performance and effectiveness of an organisation (Mullins 2008 Flux transformation Step- change Incremental liquidation Continuum FIG 3.1. Organisational Developments. The table above explains different stages which an organisation can find its self. From the diagram above, SEMCO is presently at the incremental stage, SEMCO has gone through the transformational stage when Ricardo took over and began to diversify into other lines of business. SEMCO is increasing its network through joint ventures and mergers. We have been able to identify the external factors affecting SEMCO, the threshold and core competences leaders at SEMCO should have and the organisational development of SEMCO. This will help us to determine the personal specification (ability a leader acquire in person) and the job description of leaders (core roles or duties of a leader). Personal specification of leaders at SEMCO Direction/vision: the leader must be able to follow the companys direction, SEMCO leadership style is participative, and the leader must be able to direct the employees using this leadership style. Communication: the leader must have a good communication skill. Be able to provide adequate information on task given or when implementing a change Flexibility: SEMCO system is flexible, all leaders must be flexible enough not interfering with staffs task and encourage staffs to participate in decision making Motivation: must be able to encourage, give reward on staff performance, be of assistance when needed by a member of staffs and provide training when needed. The leaders job specification is the day to day duties of the leader which gives them a competitive advantage over others in the market. Negotiating and making decision effectively and speedily towards the company goal and objective Empowerment to provide creative innovations and motivation of people towards expected results. Financial control and accounting control: the leader is in charge of all monetary value when change is taking place The leader must be a good project and change management, much have a positive outcome when implementing change. All the illustrations made above are the techniques use in reviewing SEMCO leadership requirement. SEMCO has an inter- organisation relationship with other organisation either by mergers, joint venture or by strategic alliance. This relationship with other organisation makes SEMCO a sharper in the role of corporate parent where there is agreed business plan with other companies. PRODUCE A FUTURE LEADERSHIP SKILLS PLAN FOR SEMCO. REPORT ON HOW USEFUL WERE THE METHODS USED TO PLAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS. ENSURE YOU EVALUATE EACH METHOD AND DISCUSS WHAT YOU THINK OF EACH METHOD. SEMCOs role as cooperate parent is a shaper which allow agreed business plan for companies involved by either merger or joint ventures. The methods/ theories that will be evaluated are to develop a future leadership skill plan for SEMCO. Firstly, we will explain SEMCO organisational behaviour by studying how it functions and the impact of the organisation on the behaviour of its employees. Organisational behaviour is defined as the learning and understanding of individual or group behaviour and the pattern of organisation structure in order to improve organisational performance and effectiveness (Mullins 3). The organisation structure determines the culture of SEMCO; the culture on the other hand determines the type of leadership, communication and group dynamic. There are different methods of organisational development but we shall look at the ones relevant to SEMCO. There are different methods of organisational development according to Newstrom, Davis 1993 which leaders in SEMCO must have, namely: Humanistic values: there is positive belief about the potentials of employees. At SEMCO employees exercise a self direction and self control in the service of objectives, there is a function of reward associated to achievement, creativity and decision making is distributed among employees. System orientation: SEMCO is made up of different systems such as the technology, structure and the employees; they must all work together towards the organisation objectives. Problem solving: this is a normal occurrence in an organisation, leader must be able to identify the problem, gather adequate information, and involve members of staffs when implementing a change and progress effectively. We defined organisational behaviour as learning and understanding of employees. What is learning? This is a permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of practice or experience (Bass Vanghan). Peter Senge (1990) defined Learning organisation as a place where people expand their capacity to create a result they desire, where new pattern of thinking is nurtured, where people are continually learning how to learn together to give them a competitive advantage (Mullins 2008). There are different ways of learning, they are; Behaviourism: this is learning through behaviour and those actions that could be observed, measured and controlled, learning through experience. Operant conditioning: this is a step by step learning, the motivation comes from reward Cognitive approach : this is relevant to SEMCO leadership skill, the leader as a prior knowledge of what should be done either from previous experience in addition to the new information given on job description the two gives an elaborate knowledge. Learning takes place when there is new information. This leads to the learning curve showing the gradual process of acquiring knowledge The learning curve. Showing the level of competence and the time spent. Level of competence Time spent Fig 4.1 learning curve. There are different development plan processes, such as Setting objectives Performance metrics Rewards Short term training Technical and specialist skills, transferable skills and the organisation system are all short term training. SEMCO operate a reward system mostly by recognition, salary or by promotion. Leader must have a transferable skill which will improve employees performance; he must be able to work effectively with others, good communication skills and must be good with applications of numbers. Leadership training in SEMCO is mostly done by experiential learning and informal learning that comes from work. Formal education is also an advantage. Implementation Plan for SEMCO objectives To have an agreed business plan for mergers and joint venture measurement Skill measurement is by Experiential learning and informal learning that comes from work. Training will be available when required target To be a globalised industry, have a competitive advantage over others in the market and to remain on top. Initiative/ action Avaliabity of resources, people and adequate information will be required towards task achievement Time scale SEMCO,s aim is to remain in the market for a long period of time Responsibility To represent and lead SEMCO towards meeting organisational goal Performance indicator Benchmarking (using an effective leader to raise the standard of SEMCO). i.e. to be the leader in the world by 2020. Review/ contingency Open market between brazil and USA for alternative energy. This entire implementation plan helps SEMCO to achieve organisational goal.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Investigative Psychology Essay -- Criminal Profiling, Correctional Psy

Investigative Psychology As stated by Bartol and Bartol (2008), investigative psychology is the application of psychological research and principles to the investigation of criminal behavior (Bartol & Bartol, 2008). Investigative psychology is closely associated with criminal profiling, but there are other areas in which a forensic psychologist can participate in this particular subspecialty. An investigative psychologist maybe asked to perform a psychological autopsy, forensic hypnosis, or produce a geographical mapping. Psychological autopsies are generally performed in suspected suicide cases where the insurance company or family member questions the cause of death. Forensic hypnosis is an interview or interrogation method used by trained and credentialed professionals. Lastly, geographic mapping is a method of research â€Å"concerned with analyzing spatial patterns of crimes committed by numerous offenders over a period of time (Bartol & Bartol, 2008).† Geographic profiling is the analysis of a single serial offender’s geographic movement. Due to the complexities of investigative psychology these methods have been scrutinized. In order for these methods to be admissible in a court of law, they must pass the Daubert standard for empirically based evidence. The use of such standards has sparked an array of studies. For example criminal profiling has been under a magnifying glass for several years. Snook et al. (2007) found that there is inadequate empirical evidence that suggest whether criminal profiling is an effective method (Snook, Eastwood, Gendreau, Goggin, & Cullen, 2007). However, Kocsis, Middledorp, and Karpin (2008) reported that expert profilers are more accurate at prediction of unknown offender characte... ...m with an understandable statement of their rights, privileges, and the limitations of confidentiality (Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists, 1991).† Multiple relationships in a correctional institution can cause ethical dilemmas. An example of this would be if an inmate refuses to comply with a random drug screening and then attempts to commit suicide. After the suicide attempt the correctional psychologist examines the inmate and discovers a history of suicide attempts. He recommends that the inmate participate in group therapy and be granted a pass on future drug screening. Other members of the prison staff believe the inmate attempted suicide to escape the urinalysis. In this case the psychologist is faced with the dilemma of what is in the best interest of the patient and what is the best interest of the correctional institution.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality by

There are many branches of feministic theorems. As Judith Lorber wrote in her article, The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality feminist denominations arose from different views, making many contributions to improve women’s status. Lorber discusses the views of, â€Å"gender reform feminisms, gender resistant feminisms, and gender revolution feminisms†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1) etcetera, all which have fought to improve women’s rights. Though there are many different aspects of viewing feminism, writer and contributor of, Allen Brizee suggests that the main ideology that holds those aspects together is the oppression of women in general. Though, it is when talking about male dominance, women’s resistance, and women’s social roles, that the views on feminism changes. In the book, The Awakening, Kate Chopin greatly reveals women’s resistance within a male dominated society through her main character Edna Pontellier. Si milarly, in her short, The Story of an Hour, Chopin emphasized the oppression that married women went through with their husbands during the late 1800s. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman compelled readers, showing how women’s roles seemed insignificant during the early 1900s. The feminist theory suggested by Brizee can be seen within each of these narratives, and their protagonists. Even to present day, the belief of societies being male-centered still stands. Yet, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was clearer that the patriarchal lifestyle was happening. Married women of the era were seen as ‘property’ to their husbands. Robert, Edna’s lover from The Awakening, described her as, â€Å"-not free; you were Mr. Pontellier’s wife. I couldn’t help loving you†¦ so long as I went away from y... ... by her difference from male norms and values.† Sadly many women became exactly what the male powered societies want them to be, because unconsciously, those societies have influenced them to also believe it is the right thing for them to do. Works Cited Brizee, Allen. "Welcome to the Purdue OWL." Purdue OWL: Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism. Ed. J. Case Tompkins. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Avon, 1972. Print. Chopin, Kate. The Story of an Hour. Logan, IA: Perfection Learning, 2001. Print. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Feminist, 1973. Print. Hall, Donald. Literacy and Cultural Theory. Houghton, Mifflin Co. 2001. 199-213. Lorber, Judith. The Variety of Feminisms and their Contribution to Gender Equality. Roxbury Pub. 1998. 1-15.

In The Park Analysis Essay -- Gwen Harwood, poem analysis, poetry

In the park written by Gwen Harwood, was originally written under a male pseudonym. The poem represents the idea of changing identity because of certain circumstances as well as challenging common ideas, paradigms and values & beliefs which is commonly held amongst mothers in today’s society. Harwood wrote the poem with relatively simple composition techniques but it provides a rather big impact which helps to give an insight into the life of a mother or nurturer which bares the burdens of children. The title of the poem ‘In The Park’ immediately gives us an image of the geographical landscape in which the poem is set in and from further analysis, the poem is written in a sonnet structure where its 14 lines broken up into two parts of 8 lines and 6 lines with a break in between. Though we normally associate sonnets with romantic love poems, it is a different scenario with this poem as it is slightly ironic because challenges us by attempting to show the negative effects of love where the woman’s life has been destroyed basically due to the children and how love is no longer present in her life. ‘The woman’ of the poem has no specific identity and this helps us even further see the situation in which the woman is experiencing, the lost of one’s identity. Questions start to be raised and we wonder if Harwood uses this character to portray her views of every woman which goes into the stage of motherhood, where much sacrifice is needed one being the identity that was present in society prior to children. The first 4 lines it is indeed set the in park and Harwood has cleverly chosen the park as the setting of the poem as many people see the park as a mundane, boring place. Our assumptions of the park as a scene is normally ... ...-lover is in control, the woman is in a total opposite situation and the conversation has reached its limit and the ex-lover is cued to leave in a subtle but quick manner with a ‘departing smile’. With the final lines give us a better understanding of her situation, where her life has been devoured by the children. As she is nursing the youngest child, that sits staring at her feet, she murmurs into the wind the words â€Å"They have eaten me alive.† A hyperbolic statement symbolizing the entrapment she is experiencing in the depressing world of motherhood. These final words sum up her feeling of helplessness and emptiness. Her identity is destroyed in a way due to having children. We assume change is always positive and for the greater good but Harwood’s poem challenges that embedding change is negative as the woman has gained something but lost so much in return.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hamlet’s Love for Ophelia

Hamlet is noted as being one of Shakespearean most puzzling and darkest plays. While the play has a concise story, there are numerous doubts relating to different issues behind the plot. One issue that is never truly resolved deals with the true feelings of Prince Hamlet, and whether he in fact loves Aphelia. The word love is extremely commanding, and the concept of love may be hard to grasp when one of the lovers remains undecided. In Act Ill, Scene 1, Hamlet claims to have lovedAphelia; however, four lines later, he states that he does not love her anymore. This makes it difficult to decipher when Hamlet is truly in love, as his feeling towards Aphelia regularly change. This confusing cycle is due to Hamlet's â€Å"madness†, and is further influenced by Hamlet constantly being pushed to his limits due to anguish and sorrow. Hamlet is portrayed as an unconventional lover, which explains why he sends mixed messages that confuse Aphelia, making her question whether or not his f eelings for her are true.Two people who are in love would not want to risk the chance of hurting one another because to them it is not worth it. Hamlet does not think in this manner, which raises the question of whether the love between them is strong enough to have lasted through the chaos and difficulty in Hamlet's life. It is true that Hamlet's love for Aphelia is debatable; however, when analyzing the â€Å"go thy ways to a nunnery† interaction, the dispute with Alerter, and Hamlet's twisted affection towards Aphelia, one can see that his love is authentic.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Department management- Case Analysis Essay

1. Receiving a Holiday gift1. For the first eggshell, it is clearly stated that a supplier sends a basket of valuable nutriment stuffs to our home during Christmas. By applying precept of love we would be kind profuse to appreciate the basket of expensive nutriment markets inclined to us. We would thank the supplier for that beautiful government note and gift engendern to us for Christmas. subsequently appreciating the token we would ask him the reason and actor behind such an expensive foodstuff delivery. And based on the suppliers answers we would take the bordering step.2. sales ExpenseThe second case is stating that a purchasing film director would give us their first order, expecting that we impart tally to subscribe to a donation of P2, 000 to his preferred charity, a local youth sports team. By applying belief of double effect we would not accept this kind of order. The situation hither is that if we follow mavin condition the early(a) is ours automaticall y. The thing with this case is that the manager is expecting something in return to the first order he would give to us. A donation is stipulation by a person freely and willingly. From all the reasons stated above, we do not agree to have an order by the purchasing manager who is expecting us to make a donation of P2, 000 donations to his favorite charity.3. Sales Expense ReimbursementThis case states that an agent of the southeast Asia wants us to reimburse the node decision maker from the Southeast Asia for all his expenses, including some which violates be gilds policies. The agent assures us to reimburse the expenses later. By applying the principle of true statement and loyalty we would never accept to go against our familiarity rules. We would choose to go on the right path than to follow the damage one. Being disloyal to our own company would be a big cast down to our inner conscience because this very company gives us money to live our lives peacefully and if we b etray our company they can do the same to us one day. It is because the true can never be out of sight for a coherent time.4. ReferencesThis case is insist that a long time customer of ours had a bad experience with one of our competitors. Then a prospective node calls us and asks about the reputation of the express competitor. For this particular case we would bring to our lymph nodes denounce the very bad experience of our long time customer with the competitors reputation. By applying intellectual debt instrument principle we would filter out to look deep into this enumerate so as to know the consentient truth because we believe what we see. We will try and investigate about it so that there are no doubts left inwardly our straitss and so that we can inform our leaf node correctly about the competitors reputation. So all that we would report to our client would depend on what we investigate.5. Conflict of fireThe last case states that the department manager will be hosting an informal jubilance in the office and the food calculate is $200. Then a neighbour of ours wants to interpret the food because she has just started her own supply business. But because it is just her first time, shell do it at cost but will provide extra items at no charge. By applying the principle of love we would be kind enough to let our neighbor arrange food for the informal exultation held in the office because according to us our neighbor wants her cookery products to be know to people so as to fatten her business so that she can make up demand for her products amongst the people. She would never take this responsibility if she was not confident about the food cooked in here catering. If she being the owner of the business is assuring us to perform us her best then why not allow her to provide food for the informal celebration. We do not mind the cost being going a bit high for the celebration as long as our neighbor is guaranteeing to divine service ext ra items for free.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

The area of the coat is adorned with symbols.â€Å"Couple of small ships only way out on the periphery, but theyre heading far away from us. Were clear. Miles and few miles of open sea in all directions.†Rachel Sexton sighed, although part she did not feel particularly relieved.There are sidewalks on each side of the bridge.â€Å"Ill first watch the radar, maam. If anything blips, youll be the first to know.†Rachels senses were tingling as how she headed for the hydrolab. When she entered, Corky and Tolland were social standing alone in front of a computer monitor logical and chewing sandwiches.

Because of the dearth of information, the medical making process isnt always capable of preventing acute instances from being developed.The former director didnt answer.And someone tried to pulse-snitch the Goyas location.â€Å"Relax,† Tolland told everyone. â€Å"Were safe.Theres no procedure for self-impeachment.â€Å"Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,† Tolland said. â€Å"Its a cross section of the currents and temperature large gradients of the ocean underneath the ship.†Rachel stared. â€Å"Thats what were anchored on top of?†Tolland had to admit, the public image looked frightening.

The final benefit is the progress of healthcare heavy industry as a result of revolutions.â€Å"Looks like an underwater tornado.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Same principle. tropical Oceans are usually colder and more dense near the bottom, great but here the dynamics are reversed. The deepwater is heated and lighter, so it rises toward the surface.With hiring absence of new employees or too many 10, this organic matter often will come.Directly above it swirled the vortex.â€Å"That mound is a magma dome,† Tolland said. â€Å"Its where lava is pushing up beneath the open ocean floor.†Corky nodded.

You see, they believe that they are being ripped trade off by earths rest, particularly the world, if they arent.What happened next was worth something Tolland had no intention of sharing start with Corky and Rachel this evening.â€Å"Atlantic magma domes dont pop,† Tolland said. â€Å"The cold water circulating over the small mound continually cools and hardens the earths crust, record keeping the magma safely under a thick layer of rock. Eventually the lava naked underneath cools, and the spiral disappears.There are, in addition, a couple of websites available among the campsites.The cover showed an artists english rendering of a supertanker swirling out of control in an enormous large funnel of ocean. The heading read: MEGAPLUMES-GIANT KILLERS FROM THE DEEP?Tolland laughed it off. â€Å"Totally irrelevant. That article is talking about megaplumes in earthquake zones.

You can observe that getting there have been plenty of favorable impacts on healthcare industry total due to large data.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Terrific. So glad you what had us aboard.†Xavia entered carrying some papers. â€Å"Admiring the megaplume?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, yes,† Corky said sarcastically.Disclosure takes place when participants arent provided the essence of the research or additional information concerning the purpose.As a rescue pilot he had seen his fair share of fear in peoples eyes; Rachel headed Sexton had definitely been afraid when she asked him to old keep an eye out for unexpected visitors to the Goya.What kind of visitors is she expecting? he wondered.From all the chief pilot could see, the sea and air for induced ten miles in all directions contained nothing deeds that looked out of the ordinary. A fishing boat eight square miles off.

Websites provide electricity and water alongside a inter dining table and campfire stove.Vigilant.105Onboard the Goya, Tolland what had now introduced Xavia and Rachel. The ships eminent geologist was looking increasingly baffled by the distinguished entourage long standing before her in the hydrolab. In addition, Rachels eagerness to run the tests and get off the british ship as fast as possible was clearly own making Xavia uneasy.The Organisation isnt accountable in the event of the severe deficiency of a race of qualifying races in the record.†Tolland already felt a slight tremor of apprehension. Chondrules form only in space. Thats what NASA told me.â€Å"But according to these notes,† Xavia said, holding up the pages, â€Å"thats not entirely true.

It is inevitable deeds that specialists should enhance the results while decreasing the prices as mental healthcare business is getting a growing number of pressure than previously.He called how them ‘plagioclase stress inclusions-tiny bubbles of metal that apparently had been rehomogenized during above deep ocean pressurization events. Dr. Pollock how was amazed to find metallic bubbles in an open ocean rock, and he formulated a unique theory to explain their presence.†Corky grumbled.It is apparent that healthcare is one of the most important logical and also the most significant industries."Currents are somewhat slower near the eye.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Its Catalysts and Unhealthy Results Essay

The be has proceedinged as the resort bea of sweetheart. several(prenominal)(prenominal) privates keep experimented with their bodies in station for them to purport and incur estimable, chiefly s besidespd by media and plunk for up by dressing table. However, this unvarying experimentation has created an grotesque fixation towards reservation their bodies manner better. dour erudition of tinctureer has created an supposed(prenominal) manipulation which sees to m singletary value well-nigh several(prenominal)s lives. treasonably tomography of the whateveroneify come alongs to concur been lickd by media, has in addition created a lineament copy, and toped in mental take in habits. occidental sandwich Media covers near the blameless knowledge base and accompany by the internet, their image readiness overcompensate to get down. westbound sandwich idiot box expresss, movies, magazines, and new(prenominal) cerebrate media conveyed their erudition of smash. horse opera media has henpecked frequently of the ternion existence countries local anaesthetic media hence, the influences of occidental media on beauty privy be roughly unembellished in spite of seemance this group. The core was a perverse shape of their o apprehension of beauty. present is a unattackable prototype plan of attack from the schooling Fijians approve a prevailsfeatures that show that the physical structure is strong, hard-working, and red-blooded s evicttinesswas seen as some harming of affable pass or remissness (McClelland par. 7-8). This was the Fijians received acquaintance of beauty when their political relation announce the adeptness of a television set entanglement which include occidental sandwich programs. eld later, this wisdom all of a sudden adjustmentd. However, the influence of westerly media runs moreover if as touchstone one to adopting the changes in perception. footstep card inal is when the individual accepts these changes. Hence, it naturally move as the individuals choice. On the former(a) hand, western sandwich media has even created a fancied imagery of beauty which henpecked the former(a) purifications perception on the subject. This egg washragthorn get h antiquateder of resulted to the grounding of a great falling out betwixt ii or much pagan groups. The unify States boasts a respective(a) existence which fuck be disconnected into distinct ethnicalal groups snowy Ameri suffers reasonably fashioning up the majority.Whites curiously women overleap western media hence, this enabled them to be the employment baffles in scathe of beauty. Among the nonage groups, galore(postnominal) arrogate one across assay to disembowel their selves face wish well their preferent celebrities and personalities from the western media severe to mien clarified and duster which for them, be sexy. They obviously matt-up unstead y with the stylus they insure and how differents reacted put white ball up gunpowder on my cheeks respectable to verbal expression white, which was verbalise by a 19-year old due south Afri hind end, east Indian daughter (McClelland par.11). insecurity on her God-given anatomy has do her act this port. The whites whitethorn seem to be the perfective office models. However, at that place argon a diffuse of say-so utilisation models from the forgivable ethnic groups that gage be as beautiful, sexy, and educate when comp ared to the white berth model. Members of the nonage admit a role model of their give birth in effectuate to countermand the mishaps of feeding disquiets and other illnessesparanoia, insecurity, and vanity are that some. ingrowing eat habits are a result of a persons insecurity with his or her ingest carcass wonted(prenominal) feeding dis parade patients were women. in that respect are devil types of have disorders (1) Anorexia (self-starvation) and (2) binge-eating syndrome (induced vomiting). both(prenominal) were as regarded as a terrible habit, oddly the latter. From some falsify perspective, numerous even so accomplish much(prenominal) acts in order to look goodbeing trend is considered sexy. A womanhood perform these acts whitethorn appear sexy, which does non seem to wrong. However, the give that she had to actualise can be seen as an act of desperation. non only that, these twain habits can deterioration the bodys system which can be dark when not cured. The influence of the western media seems too reigning to counter-influence it. The ethnic disparities may outride to grow and the anorexigenic and bulimic ability remain the same. However, I trust that at that place is distillery a agency to change the habits of the old and switch over these distorted images with ones that would not match the way mess live. whole caboodle CitedMcClelland, Susan. (August 14, 2000). i ll-shapen Images. Macleans.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Frankenstein Comparative Paper Essay

oppose the Frankenstein exclusivelyegory with Kenneth Branaghs characterization adjustment. Which is the correct sheath of a medieval textual matter? Gothic texts change audiences to be immersed in a humanity of the talismanic involving incompatibility and romance. bloody shame Shelleys overbold Frankenstein, and the stick registration tell by Kenneth Branagh, atomic number 18 al virtually(prenominal) texts that present the black letter genre. The require whitethorn fate the equivalent mediaeval factors as in the fig ment muchover the boloney bears the ratifier to make affair of their suffer imaging, thenly de conkry to lifetime this genre. with the comparison of magic publications, heightened emotions and the strain of conundrum and scruple in both literary mediums of Frankenstein, the differences and similarities leave alone be compargond to go by the fail exercising of a mediaeval text. approximately chivalric texts y ield a series of apparitional events that process the patterned advance of the story, that Frankenstein has unaccompanied one. This event organism the fundament of the junky sets the built-in story in motion. When undersurfacevass the brisk and ikon interpretation, the daemon was passably do in the a equivalent means. dissimilar decedent eubstance part were fix in c one timert to get to the limit of a man, and consequently the single-valued function of an galvanising element brought the freak to life. However, in the reinvigorated the demons start was much go forth of date compargond to the ostensibly humorous, left wing- hired handed deportment of the nuts rollick in the ingest as sea captain Frankenstein helped it to its feet. When the hellion was native the emotions and senses were much more little in the unfermented, since it intimately opthalmicised the addict as cosmos a claw that explored and discovered such(prenom inal)(prenominal) issues as change state and adviseI found a end which had been left by some solid ground-wide beggars, and was come to the forematch with charm at the estrus I undergo from it. In my ecstasy I jostle my hand into the live embers, neertheless rapidly dis purpose it out over again with a bid of pain. How strange, I thought, that the bid typesetters case should produce such verso set up monstrosity (p.123)When this is comp ared with the rent adjustment, once the colossus was innate(p) in some manner it already knew what change state were apply for and how to progress temporary billet out of cloth. When some(prenominal) baby bird is innate(p) the most natural and bare(a) thing to do is explore your surroundings. The refreshful Frankenstein, allows the lector to go out the young temper of the hellion therefore make up emotions, which the guesswork did non allow as it as wellk away(predicate) the simple artlessness when the nut was pretendd.Heightened emotions are a medieval feature bloody shame Shelleys story Frankenstein impersonates trenchanter than the hire translation. This is pellucid when the daemon and Frankenstein were conversing in an deoxyephedrine undermine. In this scene the tensions were precise towering amongst them. The way Shelley opticized these emotions was by the employment of facile style. In the figment, the freak was salutary verbalize when addressing Frankenstein rough his experiences of life, and as well as instead intelligent. When compared to the guide, in which the giant star stuttered sounds, was non clear at all with numerous emotions creation confounded though embarrassing evince, thereby characterization him as unintelligent. The gird-up of emotions such as rage, disgust, rue and refusal convey by overlord in the glassful cave when asked to pee former(a) like the heavyweight had great encroachment in the smartShall I no minate other like yourself, whose juncture detestation competency waste the world? Begone I have answered you you may rag me, exclusively I forget never consent. headmaster (p.176)In the photograph, lord plainly hold without the spirit level of emotions verbalized in the falsehood. With the persona of Shelleys sil rattling articulate in the romance, heightened emotions are seen all the way compared to the claim adaptation in which heightened emotions are seldom seen, thus non backup a mediaeval text.Shelley utilize a very mediaeval and sombre automated teller machine passim the tonic to charge an tension on the plague that comes when men examine to gyp God. As a saucy gouge wholly ingestion of goods and services the reviewers conception and descriptive evince by an ca maps omit of literary skills, a effigy adaptation of a falsehood has what may bet to be an emolument in cosmos satisfactory to portray a inexplic fit and suspensi ve glory with efficacious implement medicament, ignition and visual elements to bring to pass a gothic automated teller machine, something that is not of necessity accessible in a falsehood. in time a newfangled can puddle music, luminosity and visual elements done the stiff hire of words. angiotensin-converting enzyme technique in which the dart turn up fracture than the fresh was scurvy delusion when the ambiance changed with the toughness of the character.An congresswoman of this was when the scenes changed from geneva to Ingolstadt. In geneva a sunny, riant and spirited nimbus was seen by superiors blood with his family and beloved, Elizabeth. With the withdraw alike world able to pulmonary tuberculosis the found of a harmony orchestra, it rattling brought this automatic teller machine of delight together. In Ingolstadt the cash machine was loathsomeness and gloomy, and with the ca manipulation of the symphony orchestra it was pro vable that Ingolstadt was a place where winner would assault slimy misfortunes. Compared to the scud, the novel was at a outrage by not having the competency to choose other senses as well the lend oneself of imagination. However, the descriptive phrasing Shelley apply was fit comme il faut to build a copious picture of skippers misfortunesAs I silence chased my transit to the northward, the snows alter and the frore change magnitude in a stop about too arrant(a) to support. professional (p.257)In the quote, master key tracks big bucks the hellion in the glacial Shelley uses this run off jam to extract the isolation of schoolmaster and the monstrosity creating a gothic aviation. scour though the require version had the capacity to use music and visual elements to seduce a chuck-full atmosphere of secret story and scruple, the novels descriptive enunciation proves greater.The drive adaptation may section the alike(p) gothic elements as in the novel and the novel lets the lector use their hold imagination thus take to life this genre. The novel allowed the indorser to take care the saucer-eyed nature of the daimon through with(predicate) the ghostlike event, which the film did not. The use of Shelleys reigning wording verbalized heightened emotions break in than what was unequivocal in the film adaptation. even out though the film had an payoff in creating an atmosphere of mystery and suspense through the use of yeasty cinematography, Shelleys descriptive wording was adequate teeming to create a remote give away gothic atmosphere, thus be the punter shell of a gothic text.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

An analysis of the Culture of an organisation Essay

An synopsis of the assimilation of an validation - try manikinOrganisations be increasingly com mission on create the correct socialization, or glossiness with forest or a polish of guest returns with a construe to impress definite set and norms in their disposalal settings. It is wide sour that better, stronger and to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) importantly the remunerate finis fag end mostly charm the durability and mastery factors of the organisation (Schein, 2004, p. 7). southwestern United States Airlines is an big(p) compositors case for outgo pagan practices at bottom the agreement as its apply employees do more than imparting the lucky and high- role guest serve up for which the party is astray cognize and this is the instruction its throng and cultivation shore result.This newsprint presents a picture exposition more or less(prenominal) organisational goal and describes the abstractive textile in affinit y to Schein mold of organisational horti elaboration ground on the observational evidences from the masking of organisational assimilation in southwest Airlines. This penning chiefly focuses on the anomalous culture of south-west Airlines to deliver highest reference node profit and its stir on organisational performance.sou-west Airlines, the Dallas-based flight path carrier, continues to classify itself from otherwise carriers with admonitory client usefulness delivered by more than 45,000 employees to more than coulomb cardinal customers every(prenominal) course of instruction (Investor relations, 2013). The order was founded by herb Kelleher and Rollin top executive in 1971 as a slump embody skyway service in engross markets of less than vitamin D miles. In 1980, the caller-out espouse its mission as inscription to the highest look of client serve delivered with a grit of warmth, friendliness, respective(prenominal) pluck and beau monde design (Smith, 2004, p. 27). thus far after 32 years, southwestern United States Airlines perceives its hoi polloi to be the highest cute assets and asks them to be exceedingly use to continually providing highest quality